What a year 2023 has been. One for the books and one I'd love to just forget all together.
We started the year in the hospital having Lennon's tumor removed. We faced all of the unknowns that came with that with as much poise and grace as we could muster, but we were absolutely terrified of the possibilities this year could hold.
Lennon's tumor was an intermediate cancer known as Ganglioneuroblastoma. We were, we are beyond blessed, that the treatment for her cancer was simply to remove the tumor as much as possible, and follow it closely. Lennon has had 4 MRI's throughout this year to keep an eye on any regrowth.
With our blessings have come utter heartbreaks. We lost my daddy, Lennon's pappy, in June after a hard fought battle. I spent 2 months at his hospital bedside, praying for another miracle.
Our lives will never again be the same. This year has torn my heart into so many pieces between Lennon's diagnosis and the loss of my daddy I'm not sure it'll ever be made whole again. I just have to find a new normal.
So later days 2023, it's certainly been a ride I'm happy to hop of. Here's to 2024, May we find ways to heal from the trauma of 2023, make new memories, and nurture the relationships we have.